Hi Jennifer,

I'm not sure that this will answer your question, but here goes:

We modified University of Western Michigan's SearchPath (derived and
expanded from TILT) here.
I hacked up a quiz tracking database and reports module (using M$ Access
and .asp code - sorry non-windows server folks).  There are specific
server setup steps to take, but it is pretty easy if you have admin
rights on the server.

My module completely skips the email step, instead I setup permissions
on a 'reports' folder for the course professors and instruction
librarians.  One report quantifies how well a given class did *on each
question*, another breaks out how each individual student scored on the
quiz and lists their answer for each question as well.

(This will not get you into the reports section, an APSU domain account
is required for access)


"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing
your temper or your self-confidence."
-Robert Frost 
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jennifer
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 1:42 PM
To: tilttalk@lists.cc.utexas.edu
Subject: TILT quiz results

Has anyone developed a way to gather more data from e-mailed TILT quiz 
results? We'd like to be able to analyze which quiz questions give 
students trouble, and the e-mailed results just give us the final scores

for each  module. I've seen examples of how to incorporate TILT quizzes 
into Blackboard and WebCT, but we aren't able to do that at this point. 
Any other suggestions would be great.

Thanks for your time!
Jenny Hatleberg

Jenny Hatleberg
Liaison to the Freshman Writing Program
User Education Services
University of Maryland Libraries

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