Hi fellow time-nuts!

A few days ago I finally received my latest counter, a Wavecrest SIA-3000P.
It's a 3-channel bestie with 1.7 GHz BW on each channel. I have now pulled a
few small tricks and is able to run it with external monitor, mouse and
keyboard. Isn't that hard actually. I just did my first measurements and feel
a bit joyfull about it. It's a rather extreme piece of equipment and my main
complain about it is actually the (audioble) noise it makes from all the fans.
Ah well. I guess I will have to bring it with me to work every now and then.
Getting used to helping out on tricky measurements with my home-gear. Hehe.

As fellow time-nuts, I turn to you for understanding of the burden and joy I
got myself into.

Oh, and I have also (finally) laid my hands on a GPS distribution amplifier.
An HP 58517A, a 1-to-8 guy.

I just have to surrender, I now have an increasing amount of SMA and N-type
connectors growing in my lab. It used to be very simple 50 Ohm BNC everywhere
except a few places. Ah well. N-type where only the network analyzer.


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