Charles S. Osborne said the following on 12/19/2006 09:02 PM:
> I have a query. Does anyone have a favorite network time sync test software?
> Here's my situation. Being at a radio and optical observatory, most
> everything we do has varying degrees of time stamp criticality on the stored
> data. While I could get obsessive compulsive and try to get everything
> sync'd every few seconds with the Z3816A/GPSCon server, much of the data is
> quite usable at 100ms or less time accuracy. I'd like better of course.

Hi Charles --

I'm not aware of any PC monitoring software like that, but have you
considered running the Windows port of NTP on the machines?  That will
automatically keep them in sync to within a few milliseconds to your
server.  Actually, I'm not sure that GPSCon supports the full NTP
protocol, so you might need a software change at that end.

By the way, if you're interested in having a *really* good time server,
for less than $250 you could have a dedicated NTP server that can offer
time with low microsecond accuracy.  Check for details and for real-time
performance information about a stack of those machines running in my
basement.  I could probably be talked into putting the box together for


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