Magnus Danielson wrote:
> Hi!
> With the launch of SVN58/PRN12 the GPS constellation raised to 31 sats, SVN58
> was introduced into the constellation at 13 Dec.
> Have anyone seen any receiver malfunction since?
> I am aware of a solar storm on the 15 Dec, but given the data from IGS the
> ionspheric activity have been fairly quite after that.
> So, has anyone seen any trouble from about that time and onwards that they
> can't explain by simple (local) misstakes?
> Cheers,
> Magnus

SVN15/PRN15 was decommissioned the day that SVN58/PRN12 was launched.  
There were never more than 30 sats listed in the almanac recently.  
Also, PRN32 was not used recently, and that was the main source of some 
concern about receiver behavior.


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