Thanks for all the tips guys... I'll let you know how it goes later today.
Right now I'm assembling my Brooks Shera GPS in its box so I can get that
going on a more permanent basis. I get some pics online when I'm done.

Bruce mentioned to me to try with some alligator clips first to see if that
resolves the issue.

Here's a bit I sent to him off list which is kind of odd to me:


I hooked the oscillator up cold (still out of its shell) to my frequency
counter, and after a lot of fidgeting I was able to get it to count the weak
signal, and it was up there near 10 MHz.

I re-assembled everything just curious if I could get it on frequency with
the oven on and warmed up. After letting it warm up I hooked it up but the
signal was gone. Only thing I could get was what looked like some AC ripple
garbage. Here's the odd part...

I let it cool down for a while, and when I came back I hooked it up to my
scope before powering it on. The signal came on (way low but clean), then it
grew to what should be the correct levels, then started shrinking and
shrinking until nothing agagin. All this happened within 10-15 seconds or so
I would guess. I unplugged it and let it sit for a few minutes and tried
again, this time the signal came on (weak again) and then just slowly faded
out to nothing (garbage / noise).


If the leads going to the crystal don't fix it, I'll probably end up having
it sit in a drawer for spare parts or something. Unless someone here thinks
they could repair it or even diagnose it better? 


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