On Feb 6, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Phil Staton wrote:

> data on pin 9 (&5) :100200000032f3ac52E109cc
> starts with a colon
> cc seems to be a checksum
> the first 2 changes to a 1 if gps ant disconnected and reconnected,
> at the same time the no gps led comes on
> the zero after the 1st 2 changes to 4 if their really is no gps

The first digit is the talker - 0 for RB and 1 for XO.

The second digit is status - 0 for active, 1 for inactive

The third digit has always been 0 during my experiments.

The fourth digit is 0=warmup, 1=GPS lock, 2=holdover?, 3=fault/fail

> the block 32...52 seems to be a count from last power up

The 32F3AC52 is GPS time; it represents the number of seconds elapsed
since 6-Jan-1980:00:00:00.

The two digits before the time are a counter showing the number
of hours the module has been in its present state. Max count 0xff.

> the E109 has been constant throughout all tests

Mine say E004.  The ROM version on my mezannine board is 4.

Would your ROM version happen to be 9?


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