I found the schematic and compared it with the 10811A.
I guess I'll just plug it in and look for smoke signals !!


73, Dick, W1KSZ  

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard W. Ashcraft [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Howard W. Ashcraft
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:15 AM
To: time-nuts@febo.com
Subject: Re: 10544A Oscillator Question

One difference between the 10544A and a 10811A is that the 10544A requires
+12v on pin 8 in order for the heater to turn on.  Without this signal, the
heater will appear to be dead, even with the proper voltages on the heater
pins.  So, you may have difficulty using a 10544A as a direct replacement
for a 10811A.  I have also had difficulty finding specific information on
the 10544A, but other have graciously offered a 10544A schematic, which I
have, and could forward to you if you would like it.
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