Jim Miller wrote:
> My first post...newbie...be gentle...
> I spent the last several evenings reading the archives and saw mention of 
> sawtooth error correction in software. Since the corrections to be applied 
> are on the order of 1e-9 seconds it would seem that the phase detector 
> outputs to which these are applied must be similar in resolution.
> That would seem to require a pretty hefty phase detector and a pretty 
> substantial computing resource. Doesn't sound inexpensive. Is there a way 
> around this?
> OTOH, the Dallas Semi delay line pushes the "computation" out into the input 
> of the phase detector at the cost of a $17 chip (1k qty) which in small 
> quantities is likely $50 or so. This would seem to allow for a wider variety 
> of phase measurement techniques.
> Do I have this right?
> tnx
> jim miller
> ab3cv 
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DS1021-15 (SOIC package) price is about $31 (1 off) from the 
Maxim-Dallas on line shop


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