

The opinions given have been fascinating.  However I see this discussion going 
in two
directions.  One is making a
counter.  This is fine.  Go for it if you have all the resources and
time it will require.  The Achilles heel
that I see to this project is being able to duplicate the math functions found
in commercial counters but if one can do that, great.


The other is what one can buy on the market that is
better than the HP 5328?


The first step up IMHO is the HP 5335.  I have two. 
AFAIK it is the first of the series that will do TIC.  The TIC specification is 
100 pico-seconds.
For reference the HP 5370A/B TIC spec is 10 pico-seconds.


Compared to the 5328 it has more real estate on the
interior and will take the 110811 type of high stability oscillator.  The one I 
have that just has the standard
oscillator appears to have the 10811 type crystal in the open but seems very


One can find them on ePay for a wild range of prices
but around $200 is a reasonable price with the high stability oscillator.  This 
is the most important item affecting the
price.  Beware of the listings.  They are usually copies of a brochure.   
Before bidding  have the seller verify if there is an Option
10 sticker.  If the tag is there but
someone has removed it, you have recourse.  
If possible, have the seller open it up and see if it is actually in the
unit because it will work W/O it.   


I paid $35 for one with the  regular oscillator and $37 for shipping from
Ridge Equipment. (It was guaranteed to work). 
They are regulars on ePay.


Soap Box Opinion. 
Personally I’d wait until the Christmas season is over.  After the January and 
February credit card
statements are sent and the depression continues it will be more of a buyers
market with realistic prices.  Adding
market pressure is a whole line of new test equipment coming out of China.  
With the decline of the US electronics
industry and the use now of computerized board testers, I believe in the near
future we will see the market flooded with dealers taking anything they can

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