> If the plan is to drive a mechanical clock, I assume long term stability is
> more important than phase noise. Many small microcontrollers (I use 8051's
> from Silabs) have a built-in PLL that can be set to run at 15 MHz from an
> external 10 MHz reference (applied to the external oscillator input), and
> use the program space to implement a divider that will give you exactly 60
> Hz. That is a one chip solution. The processor will accept the sinewave from
> the reference oscillator without extra shaping circuit.  

In case your favorite chip doesn't have a PLL...  You can run directly from a 
10 MHz clock as long as you can tolerate a bit more phase noise and/or spurs. 
 The software just gets a bit more complicated.  Instead of dividing by N, it 
has to mix delays of N and N+1 in the right ratio.

You can also do it with a DDS in a FPGA.  The trick is to use a decimal adder 
rather than a binary adder.  60/10000000 in binary isn't a clean fraction so 
the clock will drift slightly.

[This should be simple, but I'm not sure I've got it right.]

On the other hand, if you use a 64 bit binary adder, that's 16*2^30*2^30 or 
16*1E9*1E9 or 16E18.  Call it 1E19.  We are clocking at 10E7 Hz, so (worst 
case) the counter will be off by a full cycle every 1E12 seconds.

There are 3E9 seconds per century.  So after a century, the clock would be 
off by 3E-3 cycles or 50 microseconds.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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