Azelio Boriani schrieb:
Yes, there is people who have what in the past was expensive test equipment
and now can be bought by 1/10 of the original price. The problem is that
you need someone who can record 2 seconds of a signal that is slightly
beyond the actual sound card sampling capability. A signal that you can
have by simply tuning your radio and hooking directly to the FM
discriminator output. This signal is available virtually all over the
world. AFAIK there was in the past no expensive test equipment that can
sample and record a file. Now there are: the R&S SMBV100 can sample and
play any signal upto 3GHz with the full options fitted and the companion
recorder/player for 200K euros, the file produced are not PC compatible, of

"the file produced are not PC compatible, of course."

As usually ;-)

A wave-file can have a sample frequency of 32bits integer. So the maximum is around 4GHz. And 32 integer or float for the amplitude. And several channels. All in the standard. Enough for even big priced DSOs.

I will suggest this device for christmas to my beloved other side :-)
Has it the right WAF?

- Henry


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