On 02.06.2013 20:59, Chris Albertson wrote:
I thought of using an AD9850 DDS chip.   You can buy these on break out
boards very cheap on eBay but they need a 125MHz clock.    I could drive
the 9850 with a 120MHz clock that is multiplied up from 10MHz.    what is
the simplest 12x multiplier.   I assume getting to 125MHz from 10MHz is to


Is there a smarter and more direct way to get 19.5MHz for 10MHz?
Or use the AD9851 that is more or less the same, but includes an internal x6 multiplier for the reference. You can find also some at the same place: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-DDS-Signal-Generator-Module-AD9851-0-70-MHz-2-Sine-Wave-and-2-Square-Wave-/400352450150?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d36dd9666



Javier Herrero
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