Finally for today, I posted two white papers from PTF, Inc. that discuss the basics of GPSDO design. These are the best accessible discussions of "how it's done" at the professional level that I'm aware of, and (IMO) should be required reading for anyone attempting a DIY GPSDO design.

Note that some of the ADEV graphs show the use of local oscillators that are less stable at short tau than most time-nuts would use, so the corresponding crossover frequencies are lower (PLL bandwidths are higher) than would be appropriate for a time-nuts grade GPSDO by a factor of ~10.

The file names are:


(Didier's system will convert the underscore characters to spaces for indexing.)

Once again, these are still in quarantine, but will be searchable when Didier moves them into the general population (which could take several weeks).

When that happens, "PTF" will be a good search term.

Best regards,


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