Hi John,

I missed the original run, and this is one of the things I sure would
gather a few, and hope they could also get into a more continuous

I intend to get a couple, but I would potentially want more later, but I
don't always have the resources to get that lifetime supply.

Appreciate the effort greatly, and when possible, I also recommend
friends to take a look at these projects just to get them of the ground.


On 05/08/2018 09:09 PM, John Ackermann N8UR wrote:
> Back in October, 2016, TAPR did a build-to-order offering of the TNS-BUF
> low noise, high isolation buffer amplifier.  The original 2016 post is
> attached below.  All of those units sold out, and recently I've had a
> few questions about whether more will be available.
> TAPR will do another one-off production run if we can get orders for at
> least 25 boards (the minimum to make manufacturing viable) by *June 1*.
> You can place an order by going to http://tapr.org/kits_tns-buf.  The
> price will be the same as the previous production -- $119 plus shipping.
> If we receive orders for at least 25 boards by June 1, we will charge
> credit cards and place the production order with our contract
> manufacturer.  If we don't get 25 orders, we'll cancel the project and
> your card will not be charged.
> We expect to ship finished TNS-BUF boards about 60 days after placing
> the production order.
> Best regards,
> John
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: [time-nuts] TNS-BUF High Isolation, Low Noise Buffer Amp Available
> Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 10:15:46 -0400
> From: John Ackermann N8UR <j...@febo.com>
> I've previously mentioned a high performance buffer amplifier called the
> "TNS-BUF" that I built based on a design by Dr. Bruce Griffiths with
> further input from John Miles. Key numbers are:
> *  Phase noise -140dBc/Hz at 1 Hertz offset, noise floor -175dBc/Hz.
>     (PN plot attached)
> *  Reverse isolation greater than 100dB; low enough that I can't make a
>     trustworthy measurement.
> *  Gain from -10 to +7 dB from 1 to 30 MHz; maximum output >18dBm.
> *  Nominal 18VDC operation, but works down to 12V with lowered
>     maximum output level.
> There's information, including performance data and schematic, at
> http://www.febo.com/pages/TNS-BUF
> There seems to be some interest in an amplifier like this, so TAPR has
> decided to do a limited production run.  The amp is built with surface
> mount parts, so we thought an assembled and tested board was better than
> a kit.  The price will be $119 each.  But we have no idea how much
> interest there is, and we need to build a minimum of 25 units to make
> production feasible.
> So, here's the deal:  you can order your TNS-BUF at
> http://tapr.org/kits_tns-buf
> through *October 20*.  If we receive orders for at least 25 boards by
> then, we will charge credit cards and place the production order with
> our contract manufacturer.  If we don't get 25 orders, we'll cancel the
> project and credit cards will not be charged.  There's no guarantee that
> boards will be available for later order.
> We expect about 60 days between placing the manufacturing order and
> receipt of the boards at TAPR.  We'll ship to customers ASAP after
> receipt.  So that means you can expect to receive your order shortly
> after January 1.
> So, go to http://tapr.org/kits_tns-buf now to place your order before
> the deadline!
> John
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