Hello Time Nuts,

For those new to the "HP Stories" series, my first job at HP Santa Clara 
Division (SCD) , the home of Frequency and Time products, was being part of a 
two man development team upgrading the HP 5061A Cesium Beam Frequency Standard 
to the 5061B.    Sorry for not posting anything for a while;  about a month ago 
I relocated from Singapore to Penang Malaysia, transitioning from inkjet 
printers R&D to printhead manufacturing.   I now have to figure out how to 
build the stuff I have been inventing for the last 20 years.

This HP Story reflects on R&D vs. Manufacturing at HP Santa Clara Division in 
the mid 1980s.

In 1984, SCD R&D was a vibrant organization.   It employed a wide range of 
engineers from new hires like me, through senior engineers with 30 years of 
experience.     Robert Montesi and I made up the 5061B team, and were giving a 
home within the 5350/51/52 Microwave counter development team.  They 
affectionally called the 5350 counter family "Phred", after a character from 
the Doonesbury cartoon of the day.   About a dozen engineers worked on Phred, 
and when compared to the 5061B, whose roots dated back to 1965, Phred was state 
of the art.   Microprocessor controlled, back-lit LCD displays, full HPIB 
interface, and modern RF electronics for the up to 40GHz frequency measurements 
in the 5352.    Being unfamiliar with how firmware controlled microcontrollers 
can interface with electronics, I was in awe when I heard one of the 
experienced engineers talking about fixing a circuit issue with firmware.   How 
was this possible?  As far as I knew, fixing electronic problems involved 
component and PC layout changes.   I couldn't imagine how changing the program 
on a microcontroller would fix a circuit issue.    (In my inkjet printer world, 
we joke about how FW writes patched for all the messes that the HW people make.)

In addition to the HP 5350 family counters, there was development on Waveform 
recorders, the 5371A Modulation Domain Analyzer, exotic optics for the laser 
interferometers, and "Sandblaster", which I have mentioned before, a giant 
automated circuit test machine, similar to what Teradyne sells today.    
(Sandblaster was canceled after a year or two of development.  I think it was 
just too much for SCD to bite off.)   All around us were hi-tech activities and 
equipment.   Lots of HP9836 desktop micro-computers with high resolution 
graphical monitors come to mind.     Overall, SCD R&D felt exciting and alive, 
with new inventions being created everywhere.    The 5061A -->B was just an 
incremental "fix-it" program, and didn't use any fancy computers or HPIB or 
anything.   But it was still cool, being the world's most accurate frequency 
standard outside of national laboratories.

As the 5061B development wrapped up in late 1985, my job transitioned to 
preparing the 5061B for production.   SCD R&D was in one building, and PFS 
(Precision Frequency Sources) production was in an adjacent building.   The 
walk across the 2nd story patio from one building to the other was like going 
through a time warp from 1985 to 1968, except the people in 1968 PFS production 
were now all old.     The manufacturing processes were largely unchanged from 
what was used to build the 5060A in 1965.   There was still a lot of "gray 
paint" HP test equipment around.   A 40 foot row of big, sturdy plywood topped 
work benches made the 5061A/B test area production "line".

The production area responsible for manufacturing the 5061B and associated 
products (5065A Rubidium standard, 105B quarts oscillator, distribution 
amplifies, 5087 battery backup, etc.) was staffed by two teams.   Dale, a 
no-nonsense middle aged man was the supervisor over the 5 or so electronic 
technicians (all men), and Miriam, a pleasant woman nearing retirement managed 
the 6 or 8 assemblers (all women) who put everything together for these complex 
products.   I was younger than everyone by at least 10 years; the token 
"engineer" who was supposed to show them (and document) how to build the 5061B. 
  However, this gang had been building Cesium standards for years, some going 
back to the 5060A in the 1960's, and I quickly understood they didn't need me 
training them.  My place in the hierarchy was clear.    To use an Army analogy, 
I was the young 2nd lieutenant on first assignment, surrounded by seasoned NCOs 
and battle hardened soldiers.    They treated fine and helped me to learn, but 
it was pretty obvious to everyone that I wasn't bringing a whole lot to the 
party, and had to earn any respect I would be given.

I did a bunch of things to simplify the wiring of the 5061, which was mildly 
appreciated by the assemblers.   They had become artist in hand soldering wires 
to terminal posts and legs of TO-3 power transistors and could weave the rats 
nest of wires around the chassis with their eyes closed.   No assembly 
procedures or documentation was ever referred to - they just knew how to make 
everything.   One assembler, a Japanese women about the age of my mother who 
did the most artful soldering,  approved of my change to remove the terminal 
posts (where the wires had be carefully wrapped several times and then 
soldered) and replaced with simple holes in a PCB, where you could just poke it 
the wire and fill with solder.      However, in my quest to update all the part 
numbers to modern preferred parts, I had updated the wire part numbers too, and 
the plastic insulation on the new preferred material didn't shrink like the old 
non-preferred wire, causing some issues for them.    She wasn't happy about the 
new wire.   "Sorry, we have to update it."      (When you have been making a 
product the same way for years, you tend to be irritated by any deviation.)

The women were very excited about me getting married about the time the 5061B 
was going into production.   I showed them a picture of my soon-to-be wife, and 
they gushed about how pretty she was, and chided me that we were too young to 
be getting married.  (22 and 23)   "So, how young were you when you got 
married?"  I asked.   "Tee-hee, ah, well, I was 19.   Giggle."    And then one 
of them would tell a mildly off color joke about how walking into their area 
was entering PMS alley.

30 feet away were the technicians.   All the classic, politically incorrect 
gender based stereotypes applied.   You had to really pry to get them to talk 
about anything personal, and they would grumble about everything, just to have 
something to talk about.    As you can imagine, they had an entirely different 
spin on what my future held after I got married.     But they knew their stuff, 
and were committed to making good products.     They allowed me to hang around 
the production line for weeks, and do all the operations to set up and "align" 
the 5061B myself, so I could see it firsthand.   As I learned the product, 
updated all the documentation and fixed nagging issues, they started giving me 
some respect.  I could feel that they didn't think I was a complete idiot any 
more.    You really knew they trusted and respected you when they would start 
including you in on the complaints about management or other engineers, making 
you feel like one of the guys.   It was cool.

The overall production manager was a woman name Betsy, and her husband Earl (or 
some vintage name like that) was a "Vacuum Tech" doing equipment maintenance in 
the Cesium Beam production area.   In their mid to late 50s, they were salt of 
the earth mid-western folk.  They had migrated to California from Nebraska a 
decade or two before.  After hanging sheet rock for a bit, they had hooked up 
with HP in entry level production roles.   I once asked Earl why they left 
farming in Nebraska.  "I got tired of being hungry."  It was his way of saying 
he got weary of  working his butt off as a farmer and making no money.   Over 
the years they had proven themselves and been promoted ,and HP had been very, 
very good to them.   From broke midwestern farmers to upper middle class 
Silicon Valley.  The American Dream embodied.

PFS had a large production area where the Cesium Beam tubes were made, in a 
series of closed in clean-ish rooms.  As an instrument guy, I rarely went in 
there, as the CBT was essentially a component to me.   This was Lou Mueller's 
domain, and he kept Earl busy upgrading equipment and improving processes.  
They had their own crew of production assemblers and technicians.   (Lou once 
told a story about having to keep the gold wire under lock and key.   But the 
didn't worry about the Platinum, because  most people didn't pay any attention 
to it.  I just looked like ordinary wire.)   In the same area, the "physics 
package" for the Rubidium Frequency Reference was made, down to blowing exotic 
glass envelopes, about the size of a half-height a C-Battery, to contain the 
Rubidium gas.     The 10811 oscillator, still relatively new for PFS in 1986, 
was also built in the general area.   It was a lot more modern, and a couple of 
engineers were working to automate all the testing of the oscillators as they 
aged and stabilized after they were built.   Jim Collins was the quartz crystal 
guy, and continued to innovate on processes for making the 10811 crystals.   HP 
would by raw quartz, I think pre-sliced in the right "SC" crystal orientation, 
and then grind and polish and gold plate and package the little quarts disks, 
about the size of a nickel, to become the heart of the 10811 oscillator.   
There was a lot of fancy large heavy equipment used in this process.   One 
staff member was in a process rooms during the famous 1989 San Francisco 
earthquake, which shook the SCD building pretty hard during afternoon work 
hours.   "Yeah, we didn't think it was necessary to bolt the mega grinder to 
the floor when we installed it, since the damn thing is so heavy.   During the 
shaking, it was walking across the room towards me.   Got me kind of nervous.)

There was a mix of other engineers support all this work, most of them a 
generation older than me.   I would often hear the joke:  "Once in PFS, always 
in PFS", as most had worked on this product line for 20+ years.    While the 
PFS products were well made, high performing and profitable, there was gloomy 
feeling hanging over the organization.    This most likely came from the lack 
of growth and investment in the product line.    As Rick Karlquist noted in a 
response to an earlier HP Story, HP was milking this cash cow.   There were no 
ideas for new products that would lead to enough new business to justify the 
investment.   We didn't even have an R&D department for the product line.   Our 
job was to keep building these old products and make money for HP to invest in 
some other growing business.   Our innovation opportunity was to improve 
quality and lower production costs.    Oddly, the overall people staffing was 
generous, as if they were expecting an upturn in orders some time soon.    In 
retrospect, I think this was an artifact of the old "HP Way" culture, where HP 
didn't ever lay anyone off.     SCD manufacturing had the capacity for twice 
the volume we had orders for, and every production department had more people 
than they needed.   The engineering team was not funded for tooling and capital 
needed to make big changes.  With heavy investment constraints, there just 
wasn't that much we could do.    Many of the engineers adopted the production 
team work hours:  6am start, morning break at 9am, 30 minute lunch break at 
11:30, and leave at 2:20pm, taking the afternoon 10 minute break as you walked 
to your car.  (I dream of working those hours now!)

As I got the 5061B fully integrated into production and all the NPI paperwork 
caught up, I started to run out of things to do also.   I tried to keep myself 
busy helping Chuck Little teach Cesium Seminars, dealing with Sperry special 
orders, or finding a loose end somewhere to clean up.  But overall, I wasn't 
being challenged.  Well-meaning engineering managers would encourage me to 
spend a day a week doing circuit design of some kind.   "You should add HPIB to 
the 5061B!"  My thought:  What for?  So you can read the time on the clock 
display?      We would talk about modernizing some of the older circuit 
designs, but it was a challenge to figure out where to start.  The 5061B 
control system was spread over many modules, and it didn't make sense to just 
work on one part.  The whole thing needed to be integrated.

This launched me on my first attempt at system architecture.    I penciled out 
a weakly detailed plan to overhaul all the electronics in the 5061B.   The 
10MHz RF side could be simplified and modernized, with the 10MHz --> 5MHz --> 
10MHz mess streamlined.   Even more obvious, all the low frequency control 
circuits, 137Hz oscillator, Op-Am module, and Logic board could all be 
integrated into one module.    The benefit offered by all this circuit redesign 
and integration would be a major cost reduction, and perhaps a few hundred 
dollars per instrument could be saved.    The idea was essentially a 5061C.

Someone convinced me to pitch the idea to Rob Burgoon for feedback.   Rob was a 
senior EE in R&D, who had done a lot of the circuit design on the 5062C "mini 
Cesium" in the mid 1970s.  He was very smart, practical and experienced.   Rob 
was kind, and patiently listened to my idea.  He then asked a few penetrating 
questions.    "Who do you propose will do all this circuit design?"    "Uh, 
someone, maybe you, could do the RF stuff.   I would like to work on the low 
frequency circuits, but I would probably need some help."    I remember being 
embarrassed by the fact that I had completely ignored that real people, with 
names, had to be identified to do this work.   And they might be busy doing 
something else.   I wanted to work on it, but realistically was wholly 
unqualified.     He likely asked some questions about how much it might cost to 
do this redesign, an how much it would save.   And then how many 5061Cs we 
would have to sell before it showed a return.      Saving $300 is great, but on 
a $30,000 instrument, that we build < 200 a year of, it will take a long time 
to pay off.    Would HP sell more if we did this?  (No).   What was the HP 
motivation to making this investment?    (Giving me, and junior engineer, 
something interesting to do.)

And thus, my proposal for a 5061C, died on the drawing board.   Several years 
later, Len Cutler did sell an idea to management for a new Cesium Standard, the 
5071A.  But this time architected by engineers like Rick Karlquist who actually 
know what they were doing.  And rather than being a simple cost reduction of an 
old product, it was a major breakthrough in performance, and likely did drive a 
lot of new sales.

In the meantime, I continued to kick around finding odd things here and there, 
and eventually started looking for a job outside of PFS.   That led to me 
moving to the Frequency Counter production engineering team, that I'll describe 
more in another HP Story.     And by moving on, I missed my chance to help with 
the 5071.  Although I am not sure what I would have been able to contribute, 
other than managing the NPI process.

Young engineers in the Inkjet world now come to me with their bright new ideas, 
and I am the old dude asking the penetrating questions.   "What business 
problem are you solving?   Why will we sell more printers?   How are you going 
to recover the cost this will add?  What makes you think your idea is 
possible?"  It is difficult to not crush their youthful enthusiasm too quickly. 
 But after I typically explain to them why their idea is fatally flawed, I add: 
   "We've had hundreds of the best engineers in the word working on inkjet 
printers for 30 years.  All the easy and obvious stuff was done a long time 
ago.   Don't feel bad, I'm having a hard time finding valuable innovations to 
propose too."   Oh, to have the energy of youth, and the wisdom of old age.  
That would be nice.

Hopefully this has been a worthwhile read for you.

Hugh Rice

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