I came across an older Time Nuts post that talked to setting the time
constant (PT) values on the PRS10 RFS. It read as follows ...
"Calibrate the Time offset (TO) according to the example on page 32 in
themanual, by looping the 1pps_out to 1pps_in on the PRS10, keep in
mind thatyou should use the cable, buffers, etc that later will take
your GPS 1PPSto the 1PPS_in on the PRS, so that you really take care
of all delay fromthe GPS 1pps to the PRS10, including internal PRS10
delays, that mighthave changed from previous calibration."
I have followed this procedure and wanted to know if I'm correct in my
methodology for steering my RFS with my GPSDO. Is it ok to adjust the
TO value at each time constant (PT) increment on the PRS10?
In other words I have been adjusting the TO value at the expiration of
the Natural Time Constant value and getting as close as I can to 0ns
time tag (TT) values at each increment.
Please advise if my thinking is correct or otherwise.
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