On 8/8/19 4:24 AM, Greg Troxel wrote:

The POSIX specification says that unix time (what gettimeofday returns,
the numbers that are stored in the filesystem for mod times) is a
strange version of UTC, where it's expressed in seconds since the epoch
as if there were no leap seconds.

which is essentially a time scale that is TAI with a fixed offset of the TAI time corresponding to "tick zero".


So you should be aware that keeping your system clock in TAI is fighting
city hall.  If only the first few nerds who wrote UNIX were time nuts,
things might have been different :-)

Indeed, and I shout/type/think bad things about them periodically, such as now.

The usual reason to want to use TAI for the system clock is to avoid
leap seconds in the local timescale, to get "t2-t1 is elapsed time, plus
to rail against the original decision to use sort-of-UTC instead of


As I understand it, using TAI requires the timezone mechanism to be
extended to handle leap seconds, basically converting TAI to UTC before
converting UTC to lcoal time.

Yep - and how hard is that? the conversions to local time are byzantine enough, varying from place to place and year to year. In the US, the candy industry has a big effect on the transition times.

It also requires things like ntpd/chrony to convert the wire-format
timestamps (which in NTP are similar to Unix timeval, but with a
different epoch) to from/TAI.

I have the impression the above two are worked out, by time nuts who
have gone before you.

There are also other uses of time, in wire protocols, and in databases,
and I suspect those would need special handling and that some of that
special handling is missing.  For times you don't mind being wrong by
30s, it may not matter - but most people don't notice leap seconds, and
the idea that a time nut who wants to use TAI to fix leap second
discontinuities is ok with blurring TAI and UTC in other places does not

discontinuities in a time scale are a pain. As you say, for human reading, where you just want to make sure you show up for dinner on time, nobody cares about the leap second, or fractional millisecond offsets.

For situations where milliseconds matter (High frequency trading, for instance), then time scale choice, and how it is implemented, is important.

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