The hp8656 spectral purity may be a problem.  Residual FM for output 
frequencies above 494MHz is < 15 Hz rms ( 0.3 to 3 kHz BW ).  (The B version is 
better by about a factor of 2) 

Perry Sandeen via time-nuts <> wrote:

>Yo Bubba Dudes!,
>First, does the internal OCXO run when the power is turned off?
>We are presently experimenting using a ISC570B  multiplier at 100 MHz
>and get 13 digits seeattached but the data out of the back is only 12
>digits reliable.
>Looking it up I found out that the ISC570B is a teeny - tiny IC which
>for me would pose a problem to implement. 
>So looking at alternatives that I already had I came up with two
>possible alternative multiplier ideas.
>The first was to put the 10 MHz DUT into the external reference of my
>(boat anchor) HP signal generator set the output frequency to 200 MHz
>and put the output into the channel 1 input to get extra resolution
>Expanding upon that, I came with more complex but what may be a better
>error multiplier reading since I have both signal generators on hand.
>First I feed the 10 MHz DUT signal into my Fluke 6080 setting the
>output to 1 GHz.  I'd then feed the reference 10 MHz signal into the
>external reference of my HP 8656 and set the output to 990 MHz.
>Next I'd feed both outputs into a  
>AD8342 LF to 3.8GHZ Active Mixer Down conversion Output withBalun
>board from ebay ($23) and then feed the multiplied signal into channel
>1. (I may need a simple low pass filter.)
>This should give me a 100X error multiplication. 
>Am I on the right track or am I missing something?
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