On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 10:52:49 +0100
Paul Boven <p.bo...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> We've actually looked into purchasing the muQuans Rb. We learned from 
> the vendor that they need to be serviced and refilled every four years, 
> which could possibly be stretched to five years. This entails sending 
> your clock back to the manufacturer. Otherwise, it simply runs out of Rb.

Damn! I didn't know that. Sorry for the wrong information.

Now I wonder where the Rb goes to. It's a closed system after all.
I'll have to ask them at the next conference (whenever that will be)

                        Attila Kinali
<JaberWorky>    The bad part of Zurich is where the degenerates
                throw DARK chocolate at you.

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