You mention varying suply voltage by 1.5V, but from where as a starting point?

It's been a while since I calibrated an FE5680A but looking back through my 
notes, doing it "properly" is, or was for me anyway, a non trivial exercise.I'm 
not familiar with the Windows software mentioned but the approach I remember 
was first to determine what, if any, offset was programmed into the unit as 
received, then to measure the frequency of the unit as received, then to 
calibrate the tuning itself by setting positive and negative tuning extremes 
and measuring the frequency range before interpolating to find an initial 
tuning word, followed by calculating a further approximation, and so on and so 
fifth, and of course eventually programming the FE5680A accordingly.

At that time I was using a similar test setup of a 53132A referenced to a 
Thunderbolt, although I did use a second Thunderbolt feeding the second channel 
of the 53132A as a confidence check.
Much as I love Lady Heather, hmmm just how kinky is that?:-), I don't rely too 
much on her reported offsets etc, preferring to trust hardware measurement for 
that, but would suggest that if she is showing your thunderbolt as locked and 
tracking a reasonable number of sats then experience suggests you should be 
able to trust your Thunderbolt as being on frequency.
Experience also suggests, at least with all the units I've seen, that the 
FE5680A generally reached the surplus market with a programmed offset of zero, 
presumably because that was good enough for its intended purpose.Soooo, I would 
suggest that if you have any doubts at all the first obvious thing to do is to 
reprogram the offset to zero, and start again from there.
I'd be happy to share my programming notes, but must admit I'm having a bit of 
fun understanding them myself right now:-)

Nigel GM8PZR

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