Dear Jim

These, in conjunction with some M6 nylon washers, work OK for
isolating an SMA bulkhead feedthrough from the case:
(the nylon shoulder washers down the bottom)
The connector will rotate though if you try to torque up the SMA nut -
you can really only make them finger tight.

Otherwise, you can buy isolated bulkhead feedthroughs eg
I never found anything cheaper than about $US20 per connector.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 7:44 AM AC0XU (Jim) <> wrote:
> Time-nuts:
> Having recently run into major ground loop noise issues, I have begun 
> reworking some of my homemade pieces of equipment using insulated coax 
> connectors. My goal is to have one ground connection only in the cases, and 
> that is at the power entry point, either a power cord or the outer terminal 
> of a DIN. I am also installing isolation baluns on inputs and/or outputs.
> Insulated BNCs are readily available. Others not so. In some cases, there is 
> not room to install an insulated BNC. I am not finding any insulated SMA, 
> SMC,  SSMA, or SSMC despite googling and searching catalogs.
> Does anyone know of a source for insulated small threaded coax panel 
> connectors?
> Another option would be a compact insulating bushing that an SMA panel 
> connector, for example, could be mounted in. I am not finding anything like 
> that either...  In fact the ideal solution would be an insulated SMA with an 
> integrated 1:1 balun.
> And I am not thinking about using plastic cases - that would introduce a 
> whole other set of problems. I think about my lab area at work where a bundle 
> of dozens of gigabit ethernet cables run through the roof directly over the 
> lab bench - the ambient noise level is quite high.
> Suggestions???
> The only idea I have some up with is to design something myself, possibly 3-D 
> printed...  Any suggestions about how to get started on something like that?
> Thanks in advance-
> Jim
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