On Mon, 06 Dec 2021 17:14:22 -0800
Hal Murray <halmur...@sonic.net> wrote:

> Where/when/what/how did you get that idea?

>From scripts I wrote that did not behave as I expected them to
behave. Yes, I do indeed look at the mili-second accuracy
of sleep() calls of scripts. I am a time-nut after all ;-)

> I've had no problems with Python timing.  Am I not looking
> in the right place?  Were you using some really old
> software or hardware?

It's not a hardware issue. I tried C and perl on the same
machine and both gave me far better results (both were comparable
in their behaviour). It was just python that kind of misbehaves.
And no, it's not really old software either, unless you consider
python 3.7 to be really old. If you search for "python sleep
accuracy" you will find quite a few people who have the same
complaint, but most people blame it on the OS rather than python

                        Attila Kinali
The driving force behind research is the question: "Why?"
There are things we don't understand and things we always 
wonder about. And that's why we do research.
                -- Kobayashi Makoto
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