On 4/7/22 3:09 PM, Joseph Gwinn wrote:
> This BTULN OCXO looks very good.  While they do mention that it
> contains its own regulator, no numbers are given, so it's hard to
> know what to make of that claim.

As far as I know, every OCXO and most everything else has its own internal supply and further regulation of some sort, running from the crude real world sources applied. As long as the supply you give it meets the specs and other characteristics, stated, it should be just fine. Making the outside supply part better may or may not make the thing work better, but maybe it's worth a shot.

>> I wouldn't assume battery power - but this is where a phone call helps -
>> they'll be happy to tell you.
> I must say that I've run into the battery-power (or *really* good lab
> power supply) approach, neither which is applicable in non-lab
> applications.  I suppose if Wenzel does the packaging, they will
> ensure that full OCXO performance is achieved when powered from the
> usual lab AC power.  The box would also shield the power wiring and
> frequency-control input (if any) and associated wiring from passing
> EMI.

Relating to power supply filter capacitance multipliers from the concurrent 1/f noise discussion, are you talking about this kind of deal maybe?


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