Hello Poul-Henning,
First let me thank you for your career-long significant contributions to
the Open Source world and to global internet standards.
Second, regarding your comment that "You _can_ have hybrid steering, but
you must assign "weight" to the
different contributions, so that they will never oscillate."
That is exactly how I intend to implement the hybrid PLL/FLL control loop
for the STM32 GPSDO. By December this year I should have implemented
separate PLL, FLL and hybrid PLL+FLL PID control loops for my STM32 GPSDO
project and hopefully I'll be able to collect enough data to compare their
behavior. I would also like to try programming a Neural Network (NN) based
GPSDO control loop algorithm and again compare its behavior with the
"classic" PID control loops.
Many thanks for your comment,

On Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 4:55 PM Poul-Henning Kamp <p...@phk.freebsd.dk>

> --------
> Bob kb8tq writes:
> >>> You mean the FLL and PLL are exclusive of each other ? I guess you are
> >> right, but I am trying to think "outside the box" and see if there are
> any
> >> alternatives.
> >
> >You will have two people driving the car at the same time. One hits the
> >accelerator and the other hits the brakes at the same time. They both
> can’t
> >be active *and* feed the EFC at the same time. The practical answer is to
> >run each during the warmup phase that it makes sense to do so.
> You _can_ have hybrid steering, but you must assign "weight" to the
> different contributions, so that they will never oscillate.  I normally
> have found it better to have a big switch which decides who gets to
> control,
> based on the (external) circumstances.
> As a general rule of thumb, FLL's only make sense if the product
> of the rate at which you measure phase difference, and the jitter-noise
> when you do, ends up way to the right and above the allan-intercept.
> Prof. Dave's infamous "Call NIST once a day with a modem" mode in
> NTPD is a good example:  Forget about tracking temperature, XO drift
> or anything else:  Just try to get the average frequency right on a
> timescale measured in weeks.
> Poul-Henning
> PS: When you implement your PLL:  The way to void "wind-up"
> durign startup, is to short the integrator, until the phase error
> has reached its proper sign.  It is surprising how hard it is
> to write code to spot that, compared to deciding it manually :-)
> --
> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
> p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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