Am 2022-04-30 21:33, schrieb Clint Jay:
I think the reason the PICDiv is so well regarded is because of the
specific chips used and the way the timers etc. are implemented in them.

So, an alternate chip outside of the Microchip PIC range just might not be
capable of the performance.

For me, the alternate chip is a Xilinx Coolrunner II with the following
half page of VHDL code.  For my board, there is also a phase comparator
on the chip, options for different OCXOs / more frequencies and space
for syncing an OCXO  to an incoming 1 pps (not tested).
Just 1 pps generation should fit into an X2C32 (i.e. half the size), to 200 MHz.
Pulse precision is like a 74LVC flip flop.

Cheers, Gerhard

-- Company:              Hoffmann RF & DSP
-- Create Date:          09:09:37 08/08/2012
-- Module Name:          ppps1_generator - Behavioral
-- Target Devices:       X2c64A-5VQ44
-- Additional Comments:  Free firmware under BSD license

library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity pps1_generator is
                clk         : in  STD_LOGIC;
                RunAt100MHz : in  STD_LOGIC;
                pps1_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
end pps1_generator;

architecture Behavioral of pps1_generator is
        signal tctr       : integer range 0 to 99999999;
        signal pw_ctr     : integer range 0 to 199999;
        signal cycle_done : boolean;
        signal pw_done    : boolean;

        function bool2sl(b : boolean) return std_logic is
                if b then
                        return '1';
                        return '0';
                end if;
        end function bool2sl;

        u_div: process(clk) is
                if rising_edge(clk) then
                        cycle_done <= (tctr = 0); -- pipeline the comparator

                        if cycle_done
                                if RunAt100MHz = '1' then      -- reload
                                        tctr <= 100000000 - 2; -- divide by 100 
                                        tctr <= 10000000 - 2; -- divide by 10 
                                end if;
                                tctr <= tctr - 1;
                        end if;

                end if;    -- rising_edge()
        end process u_div;

-- produce the standard 20 usec pulsewidth

        u_pulsewidth : process(clk) is
                if rising_edge(clk) then
                        if cycle_done then
                                if RunAt100MHz = '1' then
                                        pw_ctr <= 19999;
                                        pw_ctr <= 1999;
                                end if;

                        elsif pw_ctr /= 0 then
                                pw_ctr <= pw_ctr - 1;
                        end if;

                        pps1_out <= bool2sl(pw_ctr /= 0);

                end if;    -- rising_edge()
        end process u_pulsewidth;

end Behavioral;
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