"During sunrise"
Isn't it more likely to be due to changes in the ionosphere during
sunrise/set that causes the timing discrepancies.   Any changes to the
antenna / LNA due to temperature will affect the reception of all
satellites so should cancel out.


On Thu, 12 May 2022 at 08:33, Matthias Welwarsky <time-n...@welwarsky.de>

> Dear list members,
> My DIY GPSDO has a rather well defined dependence to the environmental
> temperature, which correlates almost linearly with a frequency shift of
> the
> OCXO. However, at times I see the error against the GNSS reference
> increasing
> with its case temperature not warranting such effect.
> My antenna is one of those cheap, magnetic, active antennas you'd put on a
> car
> roof. It's facing south and has full exposure to the sun, obviously.
> During sunrise I see the TIC error increasing 20ns-30ns over lets say 2000
> seconds. The GPSDO case temperature rises, too, during that time as the
> room
> temperature increases, but it is only by 0.3°C.
> I'm wondering if the temperature of the antenna, which of course rises
> much
> faster than the room temperature, can have an effect of this magnitude?
> Best regards,
> Matthias
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