Dear Erik,

On 2022-05-27 18:02, Erik Kaashoek via time-nuts wrote:
The GPSDO/Timer/Counter I'm building also is intended to have a stabilized PPS output (so with GPS jitter removed). The output PPS is created by multiplying/dividing the 10MHz of a disciplined TCXO up and down to 1 Hz using a PLL and a divide by 2e8. No SW or re-timing involved. The 1 PPS output is phase synchronized with the PPS using a SW control loop and thus should be a good basis for experiments that require a time pulse that is stable and GPS time correct. As I have no clue how to specify or evaluate the performance of such a PPS output I've done some experiments. In the first attached graph you can see the ADEV of the GPS PPS (PPS - Rb) and the 1 PPS output with three different control parameters (Tick - RB) As I found it difficult to understand what the ADEV plot in practice means for the output phase stability I also added the Time Deviation plot as I'm assuming this gives information on the phase error versus the time scale of observation.

The ADEV plot is the frequency stability plot, so it can be a bit challenging to use it for phase stability.

The TDEV plot is the phase stability plot, so it is more useful for that purpose.

There is a technical difference between these beyond the difference of frequency vs phase stability, and that is that ADEV is the frequency stability for a Pi-counter where as TDEV is the phase stability for a Lambda-counter, where MDEV is the frequency stability for the Lambda-counter. There is no standardized phase-stability for Pi-counter. For a nit-pick like me it is significant, but for others it may be mearly a little confusing.

Lastly a plot is added showing the Phase Difference. All plots where created using the linear residue as the Rb used as reference is a bit out of tune.
Also the TIM files are attached
The "PPS - RB" and "Tick - RB Kp=0.04" where measured simultaneously and should show the extend to which the GPS PPS is actually drifting in phase versus the Rb and how this impacts the output phase of the stabilized output PPS. My conclusion is that a higher then expected Kp of 0.1 gives the most stable output phase performance where the best frequency performance is realized with a Kp = 0.04 I welcome feedback on the interpretation of these measurements and the application of output phase stabilization.

Since Kp is proportional to the damping-factor, this is completely expected result for me. As the damping factor increases, the jitter peaking decreases, and thus the positive gain at the loop resonance frequency.

What I seem to notice is that the resonance seems to move with Kp shifts, rather than having a peak of fixed frequency/tau. Doing phase-noise plots of the data in Stable32 should be a way to see if this is an actual shift or just an apparent shift.

The details of the PI-loop control may be relevant to correct for if the f_0 shifts as consequence of changing Kp rather than changing Ki.

The trouble one faces with a PLL is that optimum phase stability and optimum frequency stability comes at different PLL bandwidth settings. Keeping the damping factor high to keep jitter peaking low is however a common optimization.

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