On 24/10/2013 0:36, grischka wrote:
> I'm slightly skeptical about the "register caching", i.e. how

The register cache caused a lot of problems...

> $ .\tcc.exe -O ..\tcc.c -DONE_SOURCE -DTCC_TARGET_PE -o tcc1.exe -bench
> 26168 idents, 65111 lines, 2198309 bytes, 0.188 s, 346335 lines/s, 11.7 MB/s
> $ .\tcc1.exe -O ..\tcc.c -DONE_SOURCE -DTCC_TARGET_PE -o tcc2.exe -bench
> 26168 idents, 65111 lines, 2198309 bytes, 0.001 s, 65111000 lines/s, 2198.3 
> MB/s
> Note the "0.001 s" part, something must be wrong there.

...which apparently I still haven't solved.  It seems to work okay with
my 0.9.26 release, so maybe it's something that's been added since.

> There is other stuff that is probably not worth it because the gain
> is minimal, such as with the split of chkstk.S.

Sure, but library files should be separate, and unused code is
still unused code...

> I'd like to encourage you to push this on a fork, as with the "fork"

Actually, I was hoping someone else would run with it, as I wasn't
really planning on looking at it again (indeed, I was just about to
unsubscribe, but I'll wait another month now).


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