thanks for ur reply michael,
if i sample the signal at 1ms(suppose for 50hz signal) then it will be better ...that is required for my application more thing is that, the system tht i want to monitor is highly dynamic in the data should be send for every 1ms...i think 1ms is sufficient for just measuring the external ADC value..and sending this value using multihop(must) technique...
But the problem is..... i am losing lot of packets abt 50% even for the sampling period at 10 u hav any different idea tht can i overcome this problem....
any help should be highly appreciated...
if we cant sample and send(using multihop) the data in 1ms ...pls give the reason...
still i did nt clear my old doubts...

On 8/30/06, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't know the message rate you can expect from moteiv motes
but if you are trying to send one sample every 10ms you are
probably pretty close to the limit (somewhere on the order of
100 msg/sec is the max for micaz's). You'll probably need to
collect multiple samples in one message to get anywhere at 30Hz...

Let me know if you need clarification one answers to your other questions.

siva prasad wrote:
> From: *siva prasad* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> Date: Aug 28, 2006 12:52 AM
> Subject: Delta application -help required
> To:
> <mailto:>
> hi all...
> i am working on sampling the ADC value instead of the
> delta application provided by moteiv.....
> i am glad to say tht ..i hav successfully compiled it ...
> and worked...
> the problem is when i tried to undrstand the program..i am facing some
> difficulties....
> -> i could nt understand the task..named...sendDone( )
> -> while i tried to see the raw data using listen is showing
> 42 bytes...but i could nt figured out the data format..
> ->one more problem is...the signal tht i want to sample is a low
> frequency signal..abt 30Hz...
>    if i increase the sampling time to 10ms ..i am losing lots of packets...
> can any body pls help me...
> thanks
> siva katru
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