I completely agree with you on the lack of respect for documentation's role in software development.  Much like in a math proof or a professional chef's recipe, many important steps and assumptions are not documented because it's assumed that whoever's looking at the code can understand it trivially.  The problem is that what is trivial for the creator of the code is probably utterly foreign to someone who doesn't have the creator's knowledge of the project.

If only software were like wine: it's only good once you can put it away for a long time, come back to it, and still find it completely approachable and pleasant.

        - Conor

On 8/30/06, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
See, this is the problem with software education these days.
There is no way to demo the documentation......

I met a lovely woman from the Univ of Chicago who was doing
her dissertation on mobile routing a couple years ago, but
I'm afraid that I don't have any concrete leads for you.
Google is God.

Dooma® wrote:
> forget abour documenting... after all, i'll need something up and
> running for a demo, in addition to the fact that we are planning to
> finish the graduation project :o)
> mobile ad-hoc routing algorithms sounds interesting... have you got any
> resources about it?
> i'm still searching for an idea, if anyone else have one, plz let me know
> thanks
> On 8/30/06, *Michael Schippling* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Someone once mentioned to me that documenting the TOS 1.1.x components
>     and interfaces would make a good masters project...
>     heh
>     MS
>     ps...mobile ad-hoc routing algorithms were also recent mentioned.
>     I know there's a lot of stuff done, in theory, for cell-phones and
>     stuff, but it might be interesting to see if any of it works...
>     DoomaR wrote:
>      > Hello all,
>      >
>      > I'm planning to work on my graduation project on Wireless Sensor
>      > Networks, and I found that TinyOS is very famous in this field.
>      >
>      > But I didn't decide yet what will be the project, and I need to
>     know the
>      > fields of research in WSN. Has anybody any recommendations or ideas?
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      > Thanks in advance
>      >
>      >
>      >
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"Thought is only a flash in the middle of a long night, but the flash that means everything."

    - Poincaré


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