Im trying to download a specific release of tinyos most notably version 1.1.15, 
When ever i try the command below its starts downloading and then deletes everything after have no idea why. Is the same on mac and linux. I tried interrupting the process and yeh the files are there so it is downloading them. I get doing it so many times that i just limitied checkout to the doc dir of tinyos 1.x

Has anyone any idea why cvs tool deletes the downloaded files after downloading them? also is that the right relase tag for 1.1.15 version of tinyos?

cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/tinyos -z3 checkout -r 1.1.15 -P tinyos-1.x/doc

All the best


Cormac Duffy M.Sc B.Sc

Computer Science Dept.

University College Cork

College rd.



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