               i changed the TOSH_DATA_LENGTH in the Am.h file from 29 to 55 (first i changed to 39 instead of 55, then i am not even able to receive the packets via the radio..but with 55 packets r being received and transmitted.....why is it so ?????) ....................
Now the other problem is...............even though i am able to receive the data packets correctly, the data within the packet is limited to only 29 and the rest all bytes are zeros...............why the entire packet of data is not coming ?????????............should i have to change the data length some where else also or no........................sometimes the remaining zeros ( i.e the bytes of data after the length increases beyond 29) in the second packet are replaced by the data which i gave in the first packet...........how to avoid this junk data from coming in the next packets..................
         can anyone help me out with this...........
                                                                     with regards
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