
I have a feeling that Deluge is doing a similar thing with my application. My application is closely based on Surge. When I reprogram my nodes using Deluge they appear to be transmitting periodically, but they don't form a network. I suspect that the address of the nodes has changed, but I have not checked this yet. Deluge works fine for other programs such as Blink.



Val Zimmer wrote:

Running the Delta code and the trawler application w/ a mix of Tmote Sky and Tmote Invent motes, we found that every time we reloaded one of the Images (e.g. reloaded Delta), the node numbers were set to #1, across the entire network, such that the Trawler application is no longer able to see the nodes. (This could only be restored by taking each mote and physically reloading the Delta software (make tmote reinstall,3 - for example)).

Is this an artifact of the delta image - i.e. was the image originally written with the default #1 so that rebooting would cause this issue (and then the reinstall would be entirely separate), or is this something that would always happen? If the latter, might this be fixed in the near future?
Thanks - Val
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