On Thursday 14 June 2007 13:35:40 manu suryavansh wrote:
> Hi,
> The tmote sky system can work from 2.1V to 3.6V. In that case when the
> battery voltage drops to below 2.1V it will stop working and the remaining
> energy stored in the battery will not be used, so if the battery has
> 2200mAh of energy not all of it will be used, is this correct?. Is there
> any voltage up converter present on the system? Thank you
> Manu Suryavansh

You are correct about battery energy, but note the minimum voltage for the AA 
cells you are using.  At 2.1v, each cell is providing 1.05v, which is at or 
near the 'end voltage' for many chemistries.  I wouldn't be surprised if the 
energy cost of additional power conditioning (the parts would draw power 
themselves) exceeds what little extra you can scavenge out of the cells.

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