Am trying to port tinyos onto a msp430f2x with the help of a msp-FET430UIF
USB-Debug-Interface. When i connect the device to a usb port it identifies
it as a TI product.. but when i run "motelist" it says "No devices found".
Moreover the /dev/ttyUSB* file is not created. am working on linux. The
Blink application compiles fine on giving "make telosb". But when i try to
install it on to the msp430 chip, it times-out MASS ERASE and flags an
ERROR. The two basic problems are: its not recognized as a mote by MOTELIST
and a /dev/ttyUSB* file is not created on plugging the mspFET. am also not
sure if telosb is the right platform to use for a msp430 chip (its not a
module/mote, just the msp430f2xx 80 pin ic and the USB-Debug-interface FET).
I badly need some help.

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