I'm not aware of this "ICstick" mote, nor of it's available hardware. In general, there is no "Zigbee" chip. Most motes that are compatible with tinyos have a microcontroller, radio, and built-in Analog to digital converter(ADC) for taking sensor readings. Some have an additional chip that has a unique ID permanently burned onto the chip(like the IMote series), some do not (mica2/micaz series). Most tinyos supported motes are not 100% compatible with the zigbee standards. If you need a device that is compliant with those standards, then you may want to take a look at the zigbee alliance homepage (http://www.zigbee.org/).

It's easy to ensure that the TOS_NODE_ID is unique if you control the programming of each node. If you are not, and multiple people are independently programming the motes, then you cannot ensure uniqueness using TOS_NODE_ID. If your hardware does have the this SerialID chip, but software doesn't exist to read it, then you could write the hardware level instructions to fetch that value. If the hardware lacks that chip, then maybe you need to consider using different hardware that will suit your needs better if having unique IDs is crucial to the operation of your programs.

Other than this, I do not think I can provide much more help in regards to this matter.


Ricardo . wrote:

I am working with a ICstick Mote, but you're saying that depends on the chip, the ZigBee chip?

Sorry, I did not understand... the NodeID not initialized with the value that the user wants, for example given in the Makefile? How is it guaranteed to be unique across the network?

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 6:54 PM, Paul Johnson <oewyn...@gmail.com <mailto:oewyn...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    NodeID can be any value that is guaranteed to be unique across all
    nodes.  The most convenient (to set/read) is most likely
    TOS_NODE_ID, but there may be other values available depending on
    your hardware platform.

    Depending on your platform, you may/may not have this "SerialID"
    feature.  For example, the DS2411 chip is used on some of the
    tmote brand motes for this purpose.


    Ricardo . wrote:

    Thanks for your response.

    What do you mean by NodeID, is obtained by TOS_NODE_ID, right? My
    problem is that I can not change this value efficiently. Worse,
    it is not desirable for my application to be dependent on this
    number that is set manually.

    So my idea was to have a unique number that is not manually
    modified. I have read here on the mailling-list that I can obtain
    the EUI, the unique 8bits of ZigBee module through the interface
    S2411, or the 64bit unique identifier through interface SerialId.
    The problem is that I do not find any of this interfaces in my
    TinyOS Souce Tree (I'm using TinyOS-2.0.2-2). I could not know
    why these interfaces are not available, or if have been renamed.

    I'm stuck in this problem, any ideas are welcome!

    On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Paul Johnson <oewyn...@gmail.com
    <mailto:oewyn...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        It's very easy to have a unique sequence number.  Just
        similar to what you suggested, you can combine the node's ID
        with the local sequence number.  However, I wouldn't suggest
        adding the two numbers together.  If you do, then you lose
        the uniqueness of the sequence number.  Instead keep them as
        separate fields in the packet.  The sequence number is now
        <K,NodeID>, assuming a node doesn't re-use a K value, it will
        be globally unique because no two nodes should have the same

        Having globally unique sequence numbers is easy, totally
        ordering each sequence number is another matter.


        Ricardo . wrote:
        Please, anyone?

        Any suggestions will be welcome....

            Hello everyone,

            I wonder if there is any way to send a message with a
            sequence number that is guaranteed to be unique across
the network. For example, MacAddress + K, where K is a counter that is
            incremented each time that a message is sent.

            My mote has a RF230 radio.

            This is possible, or something that has a similar behavior?

            Thanks in advance,


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