On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Yogesh BG <yogeshbe...@yahoo.in> wrote:
> Dear sir
>     I am a student of BE in computer sc. I am doing my project in TinyOS
> using TOSSIM. I am in bit confusion. First i ll briefly explain the project
> please guide me how to do it.
> We follow Clustered WSN where in base station sends encrypted packets to
> cluster heads in turn cluster head sends packets to sensor nodes. For
> encryption we use RC5 and hashing we use SHA1.
> But the problem is that i am facing problem in creating the CLUSTER. i could
> able to send message to cluster head as and when timer fires but when
> cluster heads recieves the msg i need to broad cast the msg so that
> sensornodes belongs to that cluster only proceesos it. how can i achieve it.
> one more problem is that for sendMsg interface i need to send TOS_MSG
> messages but how can i append the hashed value?
> I have attached my module code here please check out. in this i considered
> all nodes multiples of 10 as cluster heads.
> and inform me whether there is anything that i can broadcast messages to
> only nodes belong to some range.

You should look into clustering algorithms and protocols that have
been proposed. You can Google for sensor network clustering protocols.

- om_p

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