On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Pawel Kuzak <pawelku...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hallo Omprakash,
> Thank you for your reply. I understand that the closer a node to a root
> is the more packets it has to deal with, but let me explain my problem
> to you more clearly. I used the following setup:
> Rest of the wireless sensor network --- node A --- root node
> In the above setup, node1 retransmits a lot of packets. But when I
> change the setup to
> Rest of the wireless sensor network --- node A --- node B --- root node
> Node A has a "normal" retransmission rate but now node B does need a lot
> of retransmissions. I don't understand this, because node B needs to
> transmit the same amount of packets as node A.

Not necessarily. Some nodes from the "rest of the wireless sensor
network" could be sending packets directly to B.

You should also check if the root has acks enabled.

- om_p
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