On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Islam Hegazy <isl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been working with CTP for a while and I had question that I cannot
> find an answer for. I hope someone will be able to give me a convincing
> answer.
> I know that CTP adapts its beacon transmission interval following the
> Trickle algorithm. My question is why CTP sends a beacon in the interval
> [t/2, t] and not [0, t]? I understand that Trickle uses the
> short behaviour to suppress redundant code transmission. However, CTP does
> not suppress beacons transmission. In other words, I don't understand how
> the short-listen problem affects CTP.
> I came to this conclusion after I read The Trickle and Collection
> Tree Protocol papers, tracing and running CTP code.
> I hope that someone has a definite and clear answer to my question.

The code in SVN does not suppress the beacons but here are some
experiments that show what would happen if you suppressed the beacons:

- om_p

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