hmmm....not sure.... "Normal" numbers on just about every
platform with which we deal are Little Endian, but for some
reason "they" decided to use Big Endian for the nx_types,
even though, e.g. the CC2420 hardware header values, are
still Little. But treating a small valued Big End int
as Little would make the value large -- I think I did
that right, in my head at least.

What I meant by reset(10) was to send a literal value
as an arg, rather than getting it out of your message.
Just to see that something works the way we want.

MS wrote:
> for going crazy I meant that the Timer<TMilli> MyTimer fires every few 
> milliseconds... 
> I bet you are right saying that the app_period is not reconverted to the 
> right byte order. it would explain why the timer fires in few millisec cos I 
> usually set the app_period between 1 and 30
> btw, what's "reset(10)" ? is not a Timer command, isn't it?
> cheers
> Davide
> On 25 Jul 2011, at 22:13, Michael Schippling wrote:
>> I don't have no intercourse with nx_types but it might
>> be that app_period is not being re-converted back to
>> the right byte order. Does it work with reset(10)?
>> Also, please define "crazy timer"....
>> MS
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks a million Michael
>>> there still is something that doesn't work:
>>> if I do:
>>> call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t) (sync_msg.app_period));
>>> where 'period' is a 'nx_uint16_t' inside the struct 'sync_msg'
>>> everything works fine
>>> on the other hand, if I use a function like:
>>> reset((uint16_t) (sync_msg.app_period))
>>> ...
>>> reset (uint16_t period){
>>>   call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t) period);
>>> }
>>> the timer goes crazy
>>> any idea why? am I doing something wrong casting the value?
>>> Davide
>>> On 25 Jul 2011, at 17:14, Michael Schippling wrote:
>>>> long integer
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> An easy question:
>>>>> What the 'L' stands for when assigning the period to a timer? for example
>>>>> call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024 * 10L);
>>>>> it starts a periodic timer that fires every 10 seconds but what's the 
>>>>> meaning of 'L'
>>>>> I couldn't find it in google...
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> Davide
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