On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 9:44 PM, FraN J <kit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> Im doing some research about CTP, want to modify it ant test if i can
> improve the energy consumption but im new to nesC and im having some
> troubles with the code.
> By now, i added a new field to the "route_info_t" structure defined in
> TreeRouting.h. I also added the same field to the "ctp_routing_header_t"
> structure defined in Ctp.h so the field get sent each time the node send a
> beacon avertising his routeInfo.
> When a node changes his parent (in the task "updateRouteTask"), if the best
> neighbor found in the routing table is even better than our actual parent,
> the node is going to change his actual parent.
> In that moment i need to send 2 messages, 1 to my old parent and 1 to the
> new to let them know the changes, so my question is:
> ¿How can i do that? I've been reading some related TEP's and some nesC
> tutorials, but i got stuck at this point so i appreciate any help or advice
> :)

You need to send a regular single hop message. You can use AMSenderC to do that.

- om_p

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