On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 5:12 AM, Francisco J. <kit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, im working with CTP and have a question about it.
> In the task 'updateRouteTask' implemented in the file
> 'ctpRoutingEngineP.nc', the first part the node scan each row in the
> neighbor table:
>         /* Find best path in table, other than our current */
>         for (i = 0; i < routingTableActive; i++) {
>                 [...]
>         }
> The issue is that im debugging and put a trace in this scan (just toggle a
> led) and i realize that the nodes never runs this piece of code :P
> The app that nodes are running is TestNetworkLpl wich is provided by TinyOS,
> just made a few changes on it but nothing that should interfere with CTP. Im
> using Avrora to simulate the network and tried with static topologies
> defined in a file and with random topologies that Avrora creates.
> Any idea of why the nodes doesnt goes inside this 'for'?

Could be one of your timers is not firing? The updateRouteTask() gets
posted from two timers. Also, make sure the radio is on.

- om_p

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