There are some intriguingly named files containing "Stream" and "DMA"
in the ...tinyos-2.x_main/tos/chips/msp430/adc12 directory. Some of
them even have comments which reference TEP documents that might
explain what they are trying to do. Maybe one of them will allow
you to run the ADC at higher rates...

In T1 with the mica's (what I know....) one could free-run a single
ADC at low audio rates by bypassing most of TOS.


On 4/15/2013 1:27 PM, Martín René wrote:
> We are currently using the Z1 Motes and sampling at 200Hz without
> problems, but we can't raise the sampling speed above said speed without
> starting to have problems. We need to sample at 1000Hz and we can't get
> there.
> I know that the resources of the platform are scarse, but i know that
> the ADC can manage those speeds, and as we don't have a analog
> accelerometer we neee to speed up all we can the ADXL.
> Is it possible to sample the accelometer at those speeds?
> If it is, ¿how?
> Thanks! and saludos
> ---
> Martín René Vilugrón
> San Carlos de Bariloche
> Patagonia Argentina
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