On 05/24/2016 12:16 PM, GUNA wrote:
> I suspect there could be glitch on switch may cause lost the probe or
> abort message.  However, even if the messages are lost for what ever
> reason, is not TIPC stack should handle the graceful shutdown of the
> TIPC connection by releasing all the resources instead of panic or
> dead itself ?
I don't think this is about lost packets or shutdown at all, as far as I 
can see form the dump.This is a node local socket-to-socket call that 
bypasses any interfaces and switches.
> Does lock_sock/release_sock use in tipc_sk_timeout() fix the issue ?

No, it won't. At first I thought this obvious, as can be deferred from 
my first comment:
tipc_sk_timeout() grabs sk.slock, sends a message to the receiver 
socket, which for some reason chooses to return it to sender. In 
tipc_sk_rcv we try to grab sk.slock again, and hence we end up in a 

Unfortunately this theory is not correct.
tipc_sk_timeout() actually releases sk.slock before it sends out the 
buffer, so there is no way a deadlock can happen this way.  Besides, 
given that we don't actually spin on  a spin_trylock_bh() call, I 
believe we are on the wrong track when suspecting a slock deadlock.

A message produced by tipc_sk_timeout can only be a 
CONN_MANAGER/CONN_PROBE message, but I don't see filter_rcv() calling 
tipc_sk_proto_rcv() anywhere. The explanation seems to be that 
tipc_sk_proto_rcv() is inlined. So, we can probably assume that the 
message causing the deadlock is a regular CONN_MANAGER/CONN_PROBE_REPLY.

So, my theory right now is that the reply message for some reason causes 
tipc_sk_rv() to enter a loop where 'inputq' never is emptied.

This is as far as I get in my analysis right now. Does anybody else have 
any good ideas?


> Thanks,
> Guna
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