Paul Brandon wrote:
At least some commentators have said that by Middle
Eastern standards the welcome was muted -- that Libya
could have turned out ten times the number of
welcomers if it had wanted to.

The Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill stated this afternoon that he made representations to the Libyan Government that there should not be an inappropriate reception for Megrahi when he was returned home, and that assurances were given to him to this effect. MacAskill stated that he regretted that these assurances were not adhered to. Given the nature of the Gaddafi regime, it was entirely possible for there to be have been no flag-waving crowd to welcome Megrahi when he arrived at the airport. In response to Scotland's compassionate release of Megrahi, the Gadaffi regime chose to show no compassion to those who still suffer from the loss of loved ones who died in the Lockerbie atrocity.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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