Responses to my post on Ramadan by Allen and Mike raise some serious concerns 
about the prevailing Eurocentric Cognitive Imperialism on Tips.
First,Mike Palij: you are in no position to tell me what I mean.I do not care 
how many links you present,baloney is still baloney even though you have 
multiple references.Your attempts at objectivity go against the nature of how 
people lead their lives.Btw,the Trappists do practice a few minutes of 
self-flagellation during lent.I was there and I practiced it. You are no pro 
when it comes to mysticism.What do you know about the desert fathers,St John of 
the Cross,
Dark night of the soul.the Cloud of unknowing,and St.Thomas a Kempis-the 
Imitation of Christ?

For Allen Esterson:gimme a break.An author does not have to specify in every 
detail what he or she means.There are "implications" that may not be 
specified.Certainly stoicism has many implications.Btw,the British do not have 
a written constitution but yet laws are made all the times.So ideas can have 
implications even though they are specified.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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