This is an update on my previous post, analyses, 

and data from the Forbes 400 "The Richest People 

in the U.S." website.  To be on this list one had 

to have a net worth of at least $1.30 billion (in 

order to keep the list to "400"; other lists on 

the website provide info on all billionaires).  

For more info on the Forbes 400, see:


I've attached an SPSS system data file with my 

hand-entered data from the list and with additional 

created numerical variables for level of educational 

achievement and whether the person was a drop out.


A few comments on this dataset:

(1)  In course of entering this data I apparently 

missed entering 2 cases so that the total number 

of people is 398 and not 400.  This is why in certain 

places I will refer to this dataset as "400minus2".  

If anyone can identify who has been left out, please 

let me know and I'll update the dataset.


(2)  Although Forbes provide information on the 

highest educational level achieved, at least on their 

website this info is either unclear or inconsistent.

There are 30 cases where there is no information 

provided on education.  Examination of the biographical 

info on Forbes and on other websites indicate that 

there are variety of reasons for this.  Some cases 

appear to be just a matter of privacy though it is 

likely that person has had some college education.  

In some cases, it appears that there may have been

little formal education, that is, either only grade 

school or partial high school (there is one person 

who is identified as a high school dropout).

In other cases it is not clear why there is no 

information about educational level -- given the 

money, power, and status of such people, such information

is likely to be available but for whatever reasons 

it is not reported. I highlight this point in order 

to emphasize that it is unlikely that people who do 

not report educational background would have graduate 

degree such as a masters or Ph.D. (an issue that may 

play a role in some analyses of this data). Finally,

there are certain problem cases like Jerry Yang who

is listed as having a B.A. and completed his studies

though some sources say that he was in graduate school

at Stanford and dropped out to create Yahoo. I am not

entirely sure that this is the correct thing to do

but it appears that it will be difficult to identify

all grad school dropouts.


(3)  Given that this dataset represents that richest 

400minus2 people in the U.S. in 2008 and under the 

assumption that is exhaustive, this group is not a 

sample but a population.  Consequently, the usual tests 

of statistical significance would not apply (e.g., 

testing whether the correlation between networth in 

$billions and educational level is zero or not would

not be appropriate since we are dealing with the 

population rho and not the sample r).  Bootstrapping 

and re-sampling techniques can be used to estimate 

standard errors for various statistics/parameters 

but one would do so under specific explicit assumptions.  

Note also that the usual formula for the variance 

and standard deviation which correct for sample

estimates/sampling error would provide overestimates 

of the true variance and standard deviation


This data can be used productively, I believe, in a 

variety of courses, especially statistics courses.  

New variables can be added (e.g., the sex/gender of 

the billionaires is not provided but can be readily 

added on the basis of a person's name or accessing 

their description on the Forbes website).  There may 

be other forms of analysis (e.g., which college produced 

how many billionaires, do different regions of the

U.S. produce more billionaires than others, etc.)


Let me now provide some basic analyses that I've 

conducted on this data:


(1)  For the N=398, the mean age=64.75, with a range 

from 24 to 94 years of age.  This will become relevant 

shortly.  The mean networth of these individuals was 

$3.94 billion, the median was $2.30 billion, and the 

mode was $1.50 billion.  Not surprisingly, graphical 

examination of the distribution indicates that it is 

non-normal, more like a chi-square with 1 degree of 

freedom or a negative exponential distribution (folks

can have fun fitting different population functions 

to these values).


(2)  Frequency Tables for Educational Achievement:  

five categories were created to represent the highest 

level of educational achievement

00=High School (includes high school dropouts and college dropouts)

10=Associate Degree

20=Bachelors (i.e., BA, BS, LLB)

30=Masters (i.e., MA, MS, MBA)

40=MD or JD

50=Doctorate (Ph.D., Forbes is unclear about other degees, e.g., Ed.D.)

99=No Available information


The frequencies for these categories are:

Degree.1  Highest Ed Degree Achieved (All M's Comb)

             Freq      Perc      VPer      CumPerc

00  High Schl    45      11.3     12.2     12.2

10  Associate    2      0.5       0.5      12.8

20  Bachelors    166    41.7     45.1      57.9

30  Masters     100     25.1     27.2      85.1

40  MD or JD     37     9.3      10.1      95.1

50  Doctorate    18     4.5      4.9      100.0

Total 368      92.5     100.0       

Missing      30      7.5               

Total       398      100.0             


However, with respect to Masters' degrees, there 

were a large number of MBAs relative to the MA/MS and 

a re-categorization was created. The frequencies for 

this are:


Degree.2  Highest Ed Degree Achieved (MBA Sep)

             Freq      Percent     VPerc   CumPercent

00  High Sch      45      11.3      12.2      12.2

10  Associate      2      0.5      0.5      12.8

20  Bachelors      166      41.7      45.1      57.9

30  Masters       18      4.5      4.9      62.8

31  MBA           82      20.6      22.3      85.1

40  MD or JD      37      9.3      10.1      95.1

50  Doctorate      18      4.5      4.9      100.0

Total             368      92.5      100.0       

Missing           30      7.5               

Total             398      100.0       


MBA (N=82) represent 22.3% of the group of people

reporting education information. In some respects 

this should not come asa surprise but surprises await.


Note that 4.5% of this group have doctorates. In

previous posts on this topic, estimates of the 

percentage in the general population were calculated

using the Census’ Community Survey data.  In retreospect,

this is the wrong calculation to do, that is, one should

not take the number of Ph.D. estimated in the population

and divide it by the total number of people in the sample.

This does give one the percentage of the general population

that have Ph.D. but for purposes of comparison, the 

denominator should the number of people between 24 to 94 

years of age, that age range of the richest groups. Children,

which would be included in the total sample number will 

inflate the denominator and not provide the appropriate

number for comparison.  In other words, to determine

whether the 4.5% of Ph.D.s in this richest group is an

“overrepresentation” or “underrepresentation” requires

one to compare 4.5% to the percentage of Ph.D.s in the

age range of 24 to 94 (excluding the richests).


(3) Mean Networth in $Billions for each level of

education: using       the Degree.2 above (separates MA/MS 

from MBA), here are the descriptive statistics (standard 

errors are provided but they may not be meaningful):


Estimates for NetWorth$Bil 

Degree.2          Mean      Std.Er

00 High School      6.076      0.776

10 Associate      2.600      3.680

20 Bachelors      3.330      0.404

30 Masters        8.817      1.227

31 MBA            3.545      0.575

40 MD or JD       3.389      0.855

50 Doctorate      3.189      1.227


In the 400minus2 group, the educational level with the

highest net worth are 18 people with a non-MBA masters'

degree, mean=$8.82B, followed by the 45 people with "High 

School" (contains high school dropouts, people with a HS 

diploma, and college dropouts), mean=$6.08B.


The 18 people with a Doctorate have the second lowest mean 

networth, mean=$3.19B (Lesson: Mothers, don't let you 

children grow up to get Associate degrees -- but N=2 for 

this group).


A Pearson r between level of education and networth$bil 

Provides r=-.093, that is, as level of education increases, 

networth in billions of dollars decrease. That is, the more 

education you have, the lower your networth. Strictly speaking, 

the Pearson r is probably not the best measure of association 

to use in this situation because as coded here level of 

educational achievement is only ordinal while networth is 

either interval or ratio.


In summary, what can one say about the richest 400minus2

people in the U.S.?  For these people there appears to be 

no relationship between networth and level of education

(there is a suggestion of a negative relationship). This

raises a number of questions about the role of education,

especially college and post-graduate education, and the

acquisition of wealth.  Other research has demonstrated

that there appears to be a positive monotonic relationship

between level of education and either income or networth

but this relationship seems to hold for the non-Super Rich.


By the way, since the Forbes list have been published

some of the Super Rich are no longer on the list (e.g.,

“Sir” Allen Stanford) and some of the Super Rich may

be dropped because they are facing criminal charges for

activities ranging from securities fraud to drug dealing.

I wonder if someone will try to compare the “Good” Super Rich

with the “Bad” Super Rich in order to find which has the

greater networth?


-Mike Palij

New York University

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Attachment: !0 0 0 0 2009-09-00-Forbes 400minus2 Richest People in US-001.sav
Description: Binary data

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