On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:53:21 -0700, Joan Warmbold wrote:
>And now the right-wing groups are successfully drumming up 
>public support for Joe's strident remark.  I strongly suspect that 
>this entire incident and the support that is now swelling up for 
>Mr. Wilson was all planned and orchestrated in advance in order 
>to denigrate and dishonor Obama in a very public forum.  I mean, 
>when given due reflection, does it really make sense that a member 
>of our Congress would lose it like that when such has never, ever 
>occurred before?   I checked out Joe Wilson's background and
>there's nothing there that would suggest that Mr. Wilson has so little
>self-control but, instead, suggests quite to the contrary.
> http://www.joewilson.house.gov/  

Uh, maybe Mr. Wilson was channeling that other great South
Carolina politician Andrew Butler who beat the Senator from 
Massachusetts with a cane over the head (metaphorically,
speaking). See:

Then again, maybe he was channeling himself. Consider:
|In 2002, during a C-SPAN discussion about Iraq's capabilities for 
|nuclear and biological weapons, Wilson attacked Rep. Bob Filner (D-Calif.) 
|as harboring "hatred of America" at least four times when Filner suggested 
|Saddam Hussein may have obtained some technologies from the United States. 
|In 2003, when The Washington Post persuaded Essie Mae Washington-Williams 
|to publicly identify herself as the biracial daughter of Thurmond, who once 
|been an avowed segregationist, Wilson accused the woman of trying to "smear" 
|the senator, who had died six months earlier. "It's a smear on the image that 
|[Thurmond] has as a person of high integrity who has been so loyal to the 
|of South Carolina," Wilson said. 
|When the Thurmond family acknowledged that Washington-Williams was 
|indeed Thurmond's daughter, Wilson apologized but did not back down 
|from his assertion that she should have kept quiet

There appear to be a number of South Carolina politicians who have
behaved badly (for an equal opportunity list of politicians behaving badly see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_scandals_of_the_United_States )
but I think I'll wait for the definitive presentation of that by that other son 
South Carolina, Dr. Stephen Colbert, who returns from hiatus next week.

-Mike Palij
New York University


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