Tiger Wood's  extramarital affairs should be viewed as a "guy" thing. If he was 
married to an American born woman,that American woman would probably be taking 
him for a ride for his money,and appear before the media like Sanford's wife 
did in Carolina.As the cross-cultural dude on Tips,there is a history in 
Scandinavia of tolerance
for "messing around" with understanding.I know of many  married Scandinavian 
men who have girl friends in Chile and have travelled there to visit them. The 
American press was trying to make a big deal out of this,but the American media 
did not seek the opinion of Tiger's Scandinavian wife.She probably thoight that 
this was none of the press' business.
Other important aspects of this is that interracial marriages tend to last 
longer of blacks  married to Europeans despite issues in the marriage.The 
Scandinavians also have a highrate of adoption of black babies,and despite the 
high divorce rate in Scandinavia,the families work hard to keep relationships 
Please note that Sammy Davis Jr. was married to the  Swede Mae Britt. Btw,the 
high divorce rate in Scandinavia is not because the family is in disarray but 
it can be viewed from the perspective that people who feel liberated to engage 
in relationships are also free to disengage in relationships if they want to.

Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida
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