An end of the semester puzzle:  

Regarding kids w/ PKU, Carlson's Foundations of Physiological Psych  (p424) says that 
"Once myelinization is complete, the dietary restraints can be relaxed, because a high 
level of phenylalanine no longer no longer threatens brain development."  
Unfortunately, no references.

It has been a loooong time since I did any reading on PKU, but in the olden days (20 
years ago) kids were kept on the phenylalanine-free diet into the teenage years.  My 
memory of the literature of the time was that even preteens & teenagers who went off 
the diet were at high risk for irreversible IQ drops.  In fact, the purpose of the 
project I was periferally involved with was to develop an early warning system to 
discriminate between the kids (10-16 yrs old) who could safely go off the diet & those 
who couldn't.  The Carlson quote seems to contradict that whole notion.  Although I 
don't read that literature, it just seems that, if we had reversed our understanding 
of diet & PKU, I would have heard about it somewhere.  Am I really that far out of the 

Can anyone shed any light on this for me?


Bob F

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Bob Ferguson, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Buena Vista University

"The world is older and bigger than we are.
 This is a hard truth for some folks to swallow."
                                   --Edward Abbey  
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